Imran Hossain
11 min readJun 21, 2021

How has my sinusitis/rhinitis (continuous sneezing and runny nose) problem got cured without any medication?

A personal experience of curing sinusitis problem

by Imran Hossain

This story is going to help you prevent constant sneezing, coughing, runny nose, and so many other problems related to the sinus.

A few years back, in 2014, I was doing a regular shift at H&M, in London. It was just a typical workday. All of a sudden, I started to sneeze. I couldn’t stop. I thought it would stop a few minutes later but it didn’t. I thought it happened because we worked in a condition where we had to deal with cotton and fibers; my nostrils might have got stimulated by small particles. I wasn’t much worried about it in the beginning. But, when my colleagues noticed this, they advised me to go home because they were also feeling uncomfortable. It’s natural for them to feel so. I would have felt the same if someone continuously sneezed or coughed near me. So, I came back home and slept for about two hours.

When I woke up from sleep, I was fine for a short while but it started again after a few minutes. I wasn’t still worried. I let that continue for two more days as I wanted to enjoy the sick leave. I didn’t go to work for two weeks and also didn’t go to the doctor, making this an excuse for not wanting to go to work. Sounds bad, right? I was young and this is my only explanation.

However, things got out of control. Now, I had to see a doctor. The doctor said, I had hay fever, which is very common in the UK. I had never heard of hay fever before as I never encountered such a problem. She advised me to buy some regular hay fever pills from the local supermarket and take one pill a day. I did so and it calmed down the situation. Later, I came to know that it occurs in spring and summer and it’s pretty normal. Many people have this problem and they don’t count this as a problem anymore.

Summer passed, winter came, my sneezing problem also disappeared.

The following summer, I mean the summer of 2015, the problem reappeared but this time I knew what to do. I would take a hay fever pill every day. This became a norm until 2017 when it didn’t stop with the end of summer. It continued in the winter as well. The normal pills weren’t working anymore. I had to go to the pharmacy to ask for something stronger. This time I had rashes all over my body which stayed on my skin for about two weeks. My whole body skin would look like a knitted cotton blanket. That made me worried and nervous as I had never seen anything like that before. When it disappeared after 2 weeks, I felt relieved.

By this time, I started taking 4 pills a day, which would make me drowsy all the time. I could not do my online teaching job in a fresh mood because I used to feel sleepy during the class. It was so difficult to stay awake.

I went for a visit to Bangladesh at the end of 2017. Took some medication with me thinking I would need some time to adjust to the local medicine. For the first two months, I didn’t face any problems. I thought my problem disappeared. But it came back again. I consulted a local doctor who was a medicine specialist. He gave me some tests to see if I had any chest or lung infections. Everything came out clear. He said, I just needed to avoid dust in any form. But where can’t you find dust? It’s everywhere.

I started taking local pills. The only advantage I had in Bangladesh was the cheaper price of medicine. They are 10 times cheaper than the U.K. I did that for two years of my stay in the country.

Then I moved to Malaysia but the problem remained throughout the year. Here also, I took the local medicine. They are a bit more expensive than Bangladesh but still reasonable.

The pandemic started and doctors have advised people to drink lemon tea, take vapor to keep their lungs warm. Everyone knows it. Many people stopped eating and drinking cold stuff. But how long can you hold your desires? Malaysia is a tropical country. Icy juice and ice cream are very popular here because of the weather. You can’t resist. When the infection rate fell, I started drinking cold juice once again.

I always had pills for one month at home. One day, I realized that I hadn’t taken pills for a week and I also didn’t sneeze like before. I also realized that I hadn’t had any cold stuff for about two weeks. I remembered the saying of the prophet. Now experiment time. I didn’t buy pills for another week. A few weeks went by. I totally stopped having cold stuff. It’s been three months that I haven’t had pills and I am absolutely fine. I don’t have cold stuff anymore.

Now let’s learn why you shouldn’t drink or eat cold things.

If you often suffer from a bad headache along with frequent colds and coughs, then it’s time to seek medical advice as it can be a symptom of the sinus.

Sinusitis is a chronic allergy, which is caused due to swelling of the hollow space and tissue lining after getting infected by germs. A runny nose and headache are the two most irritating symptoms of cold which can ruin your entire day. Just imagine yourself sneezing continuously and wiping your wet red swollen eyes! It does take a toll on your body, right? Common cold, leading to fever accompanied by headache, congestion, throat pain which lasts for more than 3–5 days needs proper medical care.

Cold drinks or foods

Cold drinks or foods directly from the refrigerator is a strict no during sinus. It’s everywhere, restaurants, hospitals, and most homes. So why is it damaging to our health, and why is it so difficult to stop? And why is warm water better for you?

Drinking icy drinks and food causes blood vessels to constrict, hindering our ability to absorb nutrients. And we don’t get sufficiently hydrated when the blood vessels constrict. We waste tremendous energy regulating our core temperature. Icy water wears away teeth enamel and tiny cracks form in our teeth. Drinking cold water after a meal creates excess mucus in your body.

Coldwater can exacerbate asthma symptoms in children, according to a study by the European Society of Paediatrics. Another study found that often people experience a headache after drinking ice water.

The Chinese believe that all food and drinks should be taken at normal body temperature, or 100 degrees or greater, because cold foods weaken the Spleen and Stomach. In TCM (traditional Chinese medicine), the Spleen needs a moderate temperature in order to function properly. One major function of the Spleen is the transformation of food and nutrients to allow for the formation of Qi and Blood which is distributed to all organs and tissue of the body. A healthy Spleen is essential for fighting infection. Holding blood in the vessels, holding the organs in place, and keeping the tissue strong is the ‘holding function.’ Bruising or another chronic bleeding, such as wet macular degeneration, bulging or herniated discs, and prolapse of organs are examples of what can happen when the Spleens holding function doesn’t hold up.

Like the Spleen, your stomach is comfortable at 98.6 degrees or warmer. After we ingest ice water, the Stomach attempts to warm up by drawing heat from the lower body, causing poor circulation and cold below the waist. The acupuncture meridian associated with the Stomach starts in the bottom of the eye, traverses the face, sinuses, and teeth. The heat in the Stomach rises up, causing oesophageal reflux, chronic sinusitis, headaches, eye disorders, and problems with the teeth.

Furthermore, ingesting cold water creates moisture or “dampness.” Bacteria, candida, and parasites thrive in damp areas, especially in your stomach and uterus. A TCM concept, Dampness occurs when the body is too weak to produce nutrients, and instead produces moisture and phlegm. Phlegm is a broad concept in TCM and includes the formation of substances such as adipose tissue, fatty tumors, bone spurs, kidney and gallbladder stones, plaques in the arteries, eyes, brain, and other tissues.

Drinking cold water becomes a habit. We cool down the Stomach, and heat is generated in an attempt to obtain equilibrium, leaving the Stomach too hot which causes a desire for more cold drinks. A vicious cycle develops.

Consuming cold drinks is not the norm in most countries around the world. While we often receive a glass of ice-cold water alongside our meals at a restaurant, in China you would get a cup of steaming hot tea instead. Even when the weather is hot and humid, many Chinese carry thermoses filled with hot water. Even soft drinks are taken at room temperature.

Hot Drinks Can Cool You Down Better Than Cold Ones

If you’re feeling reluctant to give up ice-cold drinks, consider that warm beverages have been proven to help you cool down more effectively than cold ones. According to a report from NPR, “The hot drink somehow has an effect on your systemic cooling mechanisms.”

Drinking a glass of warm water in the morning helps kick-start the digestive system and aids blood circulation. Even when suffering from heatstroke, drinking hot tea or water helps the body relax, calm down, and cool itself down. Coldwater will create more heat, not allowing the body to cool down sufficiently. Drinking warm water can actually make you less thirsty, which is something to keep in mind if you’re trying to stay hydrated.

Coldwater slows down organ function and causes muscles to contract. Warm water helps to increase blood circulation, helping to reduce painful contractions of muscles and relieves sore joints. Sore throat? Drink some warm water. Menstrual cramps? Stop drinking cold stuff and switch to some hot water.

The organs of young children are delicate. After consuming too much cold food (cold milk, ice cream, sandwiches, salads) and cold water/juices, they develop all kinds of digestion problems, sinus problems, allergies, hay fever, and asthma.

Excessive drinking of cold water also affects the development and physiological functions of the reproductive system. For young women, it can cause menstrual cramps, menstrual disorders & excessive discharge. Overaccumulation of cold creates a “chilled palace” which is an extremely cold uterus, ovaries, ovarian tube & leads to overgrowth of dampness, fibroids, ovarian cysts, tumors, dysmenorrhea, infertility.

Room Temperature Water Aids in Digestion

For the most efficient digestion, drinking room temperature — or even warm water — is where it’s at. In Chinese medicine, the specialists advocate drinking warm water because of its effect on the digestive system. Drinking cold water can congeal the fats in food and because of that can make the digestive system sluggish.”

One study revealed that drinking cold water can make it more likely you’ll get a headache. And it even increases your chances of getting a migraine.

Room Temperature Water Combats Constipation

Unlike cold water, warm water improves circulation and can relax muscles, which can help combat constipation and abdominal cramping. If you’re feeling a little uncomfortable, a room temperature glass of water, or even a warm cup of tea, can help relax the stomach muscles and get things moving. Slow bowels can be very uncomfortable and drinking hot water can actually get the intestines moving again. If you are constipated, drink a tall glass of hot water several times a day, and your body will be able to return to normal functioning again.

If you don’t like the taste of plain hot water, consider adding a little bit of tea or lemon. Many Asian cultures drink tea with their meals instead of cold water, which is beneficial for their health because of the temperature of the water and the antioxidants contained within the tea.

Cold Water Can Stuff Up Your Sinuses

Studies have shown that drinking cold water can make the mucus in your sinuses thicker, and therefore more difficult to pass. So, if you’re sick, and need to blow your nose a lot, warmer water will be your new best friend.

Room Temperature Water Boosts Metabolism

Drinking warm water can increase your overall body temperature. And that can be beneficial for your metabolism.

And yet, when it comes time to grab a glass of water, it’s really up to you whether you pour it straight out of the fridge, or go for water that’s room temperature. There are benefits and downsides to both, so it should be all about your personal preference.

Drinking a sufficient amount of water is a crucial step in staying hydrated, one step towards achieving optimal health. Drinking water first thing in the morning can boost your metabolism and continue to drink water throughout the day can help keep your metabolic rate well balanced. When the water you drink is warm, there may be additional health benefits.

Cleansing the Digestive System

Drinking warm water helps to efficiently clean out the bowels. water and other liquids help break down the food in your stomach and keep your digestive system on track. Drinking warm water instead of cold may help break down food substances even faster, which makes them easier to digest. When the digestive system does not have to work as hard to break down foods, it uses less energy, which results in improved health.

Flushing out toxins

Toxins that are circulating throughout the body can lead to a plethora of serious health conditions. It is not just the kidneys that undergo detoxifying effects when you drink warm water. When drinking water that is warmer than room temperature, your body temperature will gradually elevate. To maintain the normal 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit, your body will start to sweat in order to cool down. Sweating helps to flush toxins out of the body and purify the bloodstream.

Enhanced Stamina and Performance

Drinking warm water regularly may improve your health by keeping the systems throughout your body clean and pure. When your body is not overloaded with toxins, it can perform at peak performance. This can lead to an increase in stamina and performance. This results in better overall functioning on both a physical and mental level.

Cleansing and Purification

Drinking hot water will increase the body temperature slightly, which in turn causes you to sweat in order to cool down the body. Sweating is a natural way to remove toxins from the body and it can improve your health. This sweating can be beneficial for the major organs in the body and it may help purify the bloodstream.

Soothing for the Throat

If your throat is sore or you are a little congested, drinking hot water can be beneficial because it will soothe your throat and help to break up the congestion

Better Circulation

In order to deliver oxygen and nutrients on a cellular level, good circulation is needed. Drinking hot water improves circulation throughout the body.

Imran Hossain

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